Affirmation London had the great honour of welcoming Larry Mann from the Washington D.C. chapter to London. We met at Kettner's, a restaurantat in Soho once patronised by Oscar Wilde himself, for a couple of drinks and a nice meal.
Larry met Angelo at the International Conference last October and the London chapter was thrilled when we heard that Larry was visiting.
He sums up his encounter with the trans Atlantic G-Saints in these words:
"... let me remind each of you what a memorable and fun time I enjoyed with you at Kettner's. And special thanks to Pedro for sharing a bite of your dinner selection; it was SO much better than what I ordered..."
Indeed, Bryn, Ian, Pedro and Angelo spent a great evening with Larry sharing stories, experiences and funny anecdotes... in a way celebrating our own GLDS heritage.
Indeed, Bryn, Ian, Pedro and Angelo spent a great evening with Larry sharing stories, experiences and funny anecdotes... in a way celebrating our own GLDS heritage.
Larry added:
"If and when I have a chance to return to London, I'll be in hopes of seeing any and all of you gents again, though in this world of fast-paced change, sometimes we make connections that never again reconnect. I hope not. Being together with you fellows felt completely right."
On behalf of all of us in London, thank you Larry for coming and sharing your unique being with us, your words and lively conversation allowed us to see what a truly great person you are. Of course we will looking forward to next time.
In the meantime, Affirmation London is organsing its next get together in April. It will be a family home evening type of meeting with some spiritual/serious part and social afterwards. More info on this site shortly...
Some pics Larry took whilst in London town...