The second meeting of the London chapter of Affirmation was held on 20 January 2008. It was kindly hosted by Pedro who welcomed us with a delicious high tea, in line with the best of British tradition.
In the background, the music of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing the greatest hits of all-time musicals, provided the ideal scene for Gay Mormons to discuss current Mormon issues, being gay and LDS and the quite accepting attitude towards Gay Saints from the London members. In the spiritual part, we talked about the Word of Wisdom and its personal meaning to each individual.
We invite you to the next meeting on 10 Feb 2008 which will consist of a visit to a local ward's sacrament meeting (meet at Clapham South Station at 11.20am) and later lunch in the Clapham area.
At Affirmation London, we are aware of people's different stages in their coming-out. Therefore, we do not provide your details to anyone. For those wishing to join us after Sacrament Meeting, please meet us at Clapham Common Tube at 1.30pm.
We are honoured to have Larry Mann visiting from Washington D.C. Larry has been long involved with Affirmation and it will be a pleasure hearing what he has to say to us, Q-Saints from the other side of the Atlantic. We will meet for dinner with Larry on Friday 7 March 2008 at Ketners (menu between GBP 10 and 15) in Soho.
For further information, contact Angelo